Deliver FEMA - National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System compliant training courses at the I-100 to I- 400 level and the fifteen new Emergency Management Institute position specific courses for the Command and General Staff positions used on an incident management team.
Credentialing and taskbook services for individuals and incident management teams.
Design and delivery of tabletop, functional and full scale exercises We also develop customized exercises for the client using tactical decision game models that use 3D Simulation or a Sandtable.
The development of Incident Management Teams by developing a plan that identifies the steps necessary to develop and maintain incident management teams used to manage the response at the local and regional level.
The development of a team for staffing a Multi-Agency Coordination Center located in existing Emergency Operations Centers.
Wildfire and prescribed fire-training services certified nationally by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) and the National Wildfire Suppression Association. These classroom or online courses provided are the S-100 through S-300 courses and the Prescribe Fire courses are P-100 through P-300 and the 8 hour annual (RT-130) Fire line Safety Refresher Training which includes those courses that can be completed online and the validated at a one day field day workshop.
Prescribe Fire Services that include site evaluations, plan development and conducting prescribe fires for a client at a specific site.
Field Proficiency Course Development for individuals who need to complete their task books.
Specialized Prescribed Fire Workshops for the client who requires training on specific subjects that are 2-4 hours in length. Workshops offered include: Basics of Prescribe Fire Tactics, Introduction to Prescribe Fire Weather, Prescribe Fire Plan development, Prescribe Fire Ignition Techniques.
Create Wildland Urban Interface plans for developers and homeowners that provides information on how the individual home owner can protect their homes from wildfires.
Incident Management Specialist LLC Company Services...