Incident Management Specialist LLC provides the following training in Prescribed Fire courses that have been developed by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. 

S-110 Basic Fire Organization
S-130 Basic Fire Fighting
S-130 Basic Fire Fighting (Online Version)
S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (Online Version)
S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior

S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (Online version)
S-390 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations
S-219 Firing Operations (formerly S-234 Ignition Operations)
L-180 Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service

L-280 Followership Leadership
RX-301 Prescribed Fire Implementation
RX-310 Introduction to Fire Effects (previously RX-340)
RX-341 Prescribed Fire Plan Preparation

To read a description of each course, follow this link embedded in this written text and it will take you to the NWCG Field Course Managers Guide webpage. Then read the descriptions for each course. 

Our company also offers custom 2-4 hour workshops on specific components of Prescribed Fire. The workshops that we offer are Basics of Prescribe Fire Tactics, Introduction to Prescribe Fire Weather, Prescribe Fire Plan development, and Prescribe Fire Ignition Techniques. Our company will also develop specialty workshops to meet the local needs of the client. 

These workshops will not meet the National Wildfire Coordinating Group requirements, but are designed to give background knowledge to the customer on conducting prescribed fires for resource management purposes.

Prescribed Fire Services that include site evaluations, plan development and mentoring prescribe fires for a client at a specific site. 

We develops and implement a Wildland Urban Interface plan that provides information to individual home owners and landowners on how to protect their homes from wildfires.


Incident Management Specialist LLC provides
Prescribe Fire Services...

"Mentoring Masters of Disasters"

  Incident Management Specialist LLC